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Thursday, June 23, 2005

Something New

"Land of the Dead" opens this weekend, and next month "The Devil's Rejects", sequel to Rob Zombie's "House of 1000 Corpses".

It's been a while since I have anticipated seeing a movie, and it feels good to feel good about buying some theater tickets. Of course I looked forward to seeing "Star Wars Episode III", and did see it on opening weekend, but it was something like a duty - like going to your cousin's wedding. A pleasure and a privilege, I suppose? But still a duty. Am I finally slowing down? Becoming sluggish and agoraphobic? Or am I starting to have healthy boundaries, drawing a line in the sand, demanding real bang for my theater-going buck - or forty bucks by the end of the night.

I love the movies, but my default stance for movie-watching is becoming Netflix on the couch with some pizza and my wife and cats, and I feel like I need some extraordinarily good reasons to actually drive out to a theater these days. And seeing the same thing over and over and over - movies copied from other movies which have been copied from other movies - is not going to do it.

I want to see something new. I want to see something I've never seen before.

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I agree.

- By Blogger Rob, at Thu Jun 23, 09:03:00 PM BST  

Very nice site.

- By Blogger Warren, at Fri Jun 24, 02:15:00 AM BST  

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