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Saturday, January 28, 2006

Bar Mitzvah Blues

Today is the Bar Mitzvah of my Nephew & Godson (they are the same person). So...

10 Cool Things About My Nephew & Godson (they are the same person)
  1. He is a rock star
  2. He is very, very funny
  3. He dresses superbly
  4. He is kind to animals
  5. Girls swoon in his presence
  6. He is generous & thoughtful
  7. He plays a mean piano & guitar
  8. He is sweet to his Grandparents
  9. He's not too cold & not to hot - he's just right
  10. He does not revile his Uncle & Godfather (they are the same person) for not attending his Bar Mitzvah (we hope)

Congratulations, CGL!

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