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Sunday, July 08, 2007

My Secret Shame

I must confess myself:

I haven't seen "300" (2006) yet.

What's wrong with me?!

All that build up, all those excited posts, the raving about the promo panel at Comic-Con last year! And still, somehow, I have had better things to do than  see "300". And now - barring some screening at the National Film Theatre or some other backwater - I'm going to have to watch it on DVD.

And it's not like it's just one more movie that might provide me with a couple hours distraction. It falls exactly within my own oeurvra ... my ouevere ... my oovre ... It's precisely my kind of thing is the thing what I'm trying to say in French. I am the sword-fightin' adventure go-to guy - as my manager will almost certainly neglect to tell you.

trex versus spartanThe same thing happened when "Jurassic Park" (1993) was released. If there's one thing I love more than broadswords hewing human flesh, it's dinosaurs hewing human flesh. And I didn't see "Jurassic Park" until a year after it was released.


Although, in my own defense, I did see it projected in a Los Angeles theater ...

... That theater was the New Beverly Cinema.

The shame. The shame.

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